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Reguli Server / Game Rules

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Reguli Server / Game Rules Empty Reguli Server / Game Rules

Mesaj  ThePunish3r Mar Mai 04, 2010 2:40 pm


Reguli generale:

Regula de baza: comportamentul civilizat.


Insultele aduse jucatorilor se penalizeaza astfel:

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 5 zile
- Al doilea avertisment: suspend minim 10 zile
- Al treilea avertisment: cont sters

Insultele nu pot fi provocate. Daca cineva va insulta, faceti print si-l postati. NU ii raspundeti tot cu o alta insulta pentru ca vi se v-a aplica aceeasi pedeapsa!
Insultele pot fi reclamate doar de catre persoana insultata.

Amenintare in viata reala:
- Primul avertisment: cont sters + filtru IP

Injuraturile , semnele obscene si limbajul vulgar/obscen se penalizeaza astfel:

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 10 zile
- Al doilea avertisment: suspend minim 20 de zile
- Al treilea avertisment: cont sters

Limbajul indecent , semnele obscene si injuraturile exprimate cu normal chat pot fi reclamate si de alte persoane decat cea careia ii sunt adresate.
Injuraturile se pedepsesc indiferent daca sunt explicite sau prescurtate.
Injuraturile, limbajul vulgar si semnele obscene NU pot fi provocate. Pentru astfel de plangeri NU este obligatorie postarea pozelor cu F4 pe tot ecranul.

Injuraturile la adresa serverului sau adminilor / GM-ilor (neadresate unui admin / GM anume) se penalizeaza astfel:

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 30 de zile
- Al doilea avertisment: cont sters + filtru IP

Orice tip de limbaj adresat adminilor/serverului/unui admin anume NU poate fi provocat. Pentru astfel de plangeri NU este obligatorie postarea pozelor cu F4 pe tot ecranul.
Cele 3 tipuri de limbaj sunt judecate separat, fiind considerate infractiuni diferite.
Sunt interzise numele vulgare/obscene/care sa contina injuraturi sau insulte. Orice caracter cu un astfel de nume va primi suspend de 99 de zile.

Comportamentul fata de Admin / Game Master

Insulta la Game Master

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 30 de zile
- Al doilea avertisment: cont sters + filtru IP

Injuraturi adresate unui Game Master

- Primul avertisment: cont sters + filtru IP

Comportamentul necorespunzator fata de admini / gm (aici sunt incluse mistourile si glumele deplasate, refuzul de a da ok la trade initiat de un GM, deranjarea eventurilor etc ) se va pedepsi cu 10 pana la 40 zile, in functie de decizia respectivului Admin / GM.

Folosirea de nick-uri asemanatoare celor ale Adminilor / GM-ilor duce la suspendarea / stergerea respectivului caracter / cont pe o perioada nedefinita.

Sanctiunea pentru persoanele care se dau drept "cunostinte" , rude ale ale Adminilor / GM-ilor, este:
-Primul avertisment: caracter sters
-Al doilea avertisment: cont sters
-Al treilea avertisment: Filtru IP

GM NU va intreaba date despre contul vostru , respectiv parole , date despre logare .
GM NU va cere iteme .
GM NU va cere favoruri.

Nu cereti iteme/favoruri GM-ilor / Adminilor.
-Primul avertisment: caracter sters
-Al doilea avertisment: cont sters

Guild names

Folosirea de guild names asemanatoare celor ale Adminilor / Game Masters:

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 10 zile (guild master + membrii guildei)
- Al doilea avertisment: cont sters guild master + caracter sters membrii

Pentru eventuale alte abateri se poate ajunge pana la filtru IP

Amenintarea altor jucatori ca sunteti Game Master sau a pretinde ca sunteti Game Master

- Primul avertisment: Caracter sters + pierderea statutului de Game Master (unde este cazul)
- Al doilea avertisment: Cont sters
- Al treilea avertisment: Filtru IP

Acuzatii nedovedite la adresa Adminilor / Game Masters

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 30 de zile
- Al doilea avertisment: cont sters

Pentru eventuale alte abateri se poate ajunge pana la filtru IP.

Falisificare de dovezi:

- cont sters

Pentru eventuale alte abateri se poate ajunge pana la filtru IP.

Inventarea de reguli care nu sunt cuprinse in acest regulament si folosirea acestora pentru a obtine un avantaj sau amenintarea cu acestea duce la o pedeapsa minima de 10 zile. Cei care incalca repetat aceasta regula sunt pasibili cu suspend pe perioada nedeterminata.

KS la unul sau mai multi jucatori dintr-un spot

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 5 zile
- Al doilea avertisment: suspend minim 10 zile
- Al treilea avertisment: suspend minim 20 de zile

Pentru a se aplica aceasta regula este necesar ca reclamantul sa aiba print singur pe spot.
Pentru eventuale alte abateri se poate ajunge pana la stergerea caracterului
KS se pedepseste daca depaseste 1 minut.

KS la goldeni sau PK pe jucator pentru BOK!

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 5 zile
- Al doilea avertisment: suspend minim 10 zile
- Al treilea avertisment: suspend minim 20 de zile

Cel care a venit primul la golden castiga dreptul de primul venit (dreptul asupra golden-ului). Primul venit isi pierde acest drept daca moare in timp ce se bate cu golden-ul. Se adauga pedepsele date de regula de PK pentru cei care il omoara pe primul venit (in timp ce se bate cu golden-ul sau pentru a fura BoK-ul).
NU ajutati la omorarea goldenilor. In caz de reclamatie nu va functiona sub nici o forma scuza "Doar l-am ajutat, i-am dat item-ul (BOK-ul)"!
Un jucator (party) nu poate ataca doi sau mai multi goldeni simultan.


- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 50 de zile.
- Al doilea avertisment: contul blocat.

Suspendul se acorda pe cel mai mare caracter de pe cont.


Cei care sunt prinsi folosind aplicatii de tip hack, aplicatii de replicat pachete (1-hit kill, 5x hit, etc) risca urmatoarea sanctiune: CONT BLOCAT! IP FILTRATpe o perioada nedefinita !
NU se accepta exploatarea bug-urilor jocului !
Cu sau fara programe ajutatoare (hackuri) exploatarea unui bug este ILEGALA!
Pentru renumitele SHADOW BUG si DUPE BUG se filtreaza IP-urile de unde s-a logat contul respectiv.
Nu va logati cu alt cont decat contul vostru. Daca vi se blocheaza IP-ul nu merge scuza: "doar m-am logat pe contul unui prieten sa vad ce are. NU aveam de unde sa stiu..."
Orice cont care contine in inventar/vault iteme dupate/iteme obtinute prin exploatarea unor bug-uri va fi BLOCAT!
Orice incercare de a folosi hacks poate duce la filtru permanent pe ip/clasa de ip-uri.
Se recomanda celor care au cluburi de internet/games sa verifice acest lucru si sa opreasca la timp astfel de tentative din partea clientilor.

Reclama la alte servere

Publicitate/reclama la alte servere (de MU si nu numai) in joc (pe orice cale) duce instant la:
- cont sters + filtru IP/clasa IP de pe care a fost conectat respectivul caracter

PK (Player Kill)
NOTA: Este interzis PK pe spoturi in Arena si Sky Event!

- Primul avertisment: suspend minim 5 zile
- Al doilea avertisment: suspend minim 10 zile
- Al treilea avertisment: suspend minim 20 de zile
- Al patrulea avertisment : caracter sters

Nu se aplica atunci cand status-ul celui care omoara nu se modifica. (victima este MURDERER)
PK va fi considerat provocat doar in situatia in care cel care ucide a fost insultat sau era spotul lui (print insulta / singur pe spot)
In unul din printuri sa se vada "Self defence is initiated by [NUME]'s attack!"

Regula AFK

Orice jucator poate sa stea intr-un spot atata timp cat este LANGA CALCULATOR!
Daca cineva ii face doua printscreenuri la intervale de 5 minute (in care interval respectivul nu zice nimic, personajul in AFK) inseamna ca respectivul a pierdut spot-ul!
Mentiune: trebuie sa intrebi personajul daca e afk + nume destinatar (si sa se vada in screen-shoturi) . Poate nu are chef sa te bage in seama (sa initieze o discutie)
Este obligatorie o poza cu F4 pe tot ecranul care sa dovedeasca ca nu a spus nimic in aceasta perioada.
Nu exista obligatia de a ataca monstrii pe propriul spot.

Important !
In orice alta situatie neprevazuta aici Adminii (Me & Yoo si Morrigan) au intotdeauna ultimul cuvant.
Nu raspundem de itemele furate, respectiv conturile "sparte" , singura voastra responsabilitate fiind sa pastrati confidentialitatea contului dumnevoastra , respectiv parola , userul .
Modificarile din regulament nu se aplica retroactiv. Suspendurile deja activate nu se modifica o data cu schimbarea regulamentului. Conturile deja blocate nu vor fi deblocate pentru ca o anumita infractiune este acum altfel pedepsita.

Adminii / GM-ii au dreptul sa deconecteze jucatori AFK .
Nu uitati sa faceti print singuri pe spot.
Nimeni NU este obligat sa dea party. PK pe cersetorii de party nu este sanctionat.
Twisted Evil

REPET: Nu uitati sa faceti print singuri pe spot. Pentru ca vad ca nu intelegeti, plangerile pentru PK si KS pe spot trebuie insotite de print singur pe spot care-l faceti cand intrati pe spotul respectiv. Din acest moment voi sanctiona pe cei care posteaza KS / PK pe spot fara ca plangerea sa fie insotita de print singur pe spot!

Ultima editare efectuata de catre Me & Yoo in Dum Iun 27, 2010 11:41 am, editata de 2 ori

Mesaje : 158
Data de inscriere : 04/05/2010
Varsta : 40
Localizare : Everywhere

Sus In jos

Reguli Server / Game Rules Empty Re: Reguli Server / Game Rules

Mesaj  ThePunish3r Vin Iun 11, 2010 1:34 pm


Game rules

General rules

Main rule: civilized behaviour.


Insulting players wil be sanctioned this way:

- First warning: minimum 5 days suspend
- Second warning: minimum 10 days suspend
- Third warning: deleted account

Insulting cannot be provoked. If someone insults you, make a print screen and post it. Do not insult him, you will be sanctioned too! Only the offended person can post this (inside the topic "Plangeri / Complaints").

Real life threatning

- First warning: deleted account + blocked IP

Swearing, obscene signs and vulgar language wil be sanctioned this way:

- First warning: minimum 10 days suspend
- Second warning: minimum 20 days suspend
- Third warning: deleted account

Swearing, obscene signs and vulgar language on the main chat can be posted by other persons, too. Abbreviations will be sanctioned. This kind of language cannot be provoked. For this, it's not neccesary to have the main window maximized.

Swearing the server and it's administrators (generally) will be sanctioned this way:

- First warning: minimum 30 days suspend
- Second warning: deleted account + blocked IP

This kind of language cannot be provoked. For this, it's not neccesary to have the main window maximized. Vulgar names containing insults will be sanctioned with 99 days suspend.

Behaviour with the administrators/Game Masters

Insulting a Game Master

- First warning: minimum 30 days suspend
- Second warning: deleted account + blocked IP

Swearing a Game Master

- First warning: deleted account + blocked IP

Indecent behaviour with the admins/GMs (including bad jokes, making fun of them, denying the trade initiated by them,
desturbing the events) will be sanctioned between 10 and 40 days suspend, depending of his decision
. Using similar nicks to admins that would confuse players will be sanctioned by deleting the character in matter.

Saying that you know the administrators / game masters in order to intimidate the other players:
First warning: Deleted character
Second warning: Deleted account
Third warning: Filter IP

An admin/GM will not ask info about your account like username or password, he will not ask you items or favours (you shouldn't either: first warning - deleted character, second warning - deleted account).

Guild names

Using similar guild names to admins/GMs:

- First warning: minimum 10 days suspend (Guild Master + members)
- Second warning: deleted account (Guild Master + members)

In some cases we can get to block IPs, too.

Threatning players with your status (as a Game Master) or pretending you're a Game Master (as a player):

- First warning: Deleted character + loosing Game Master status (if case)
- Second warning: Deleted account
- Third warning: Filter IP

Acusing Administrators or Game Masters without evidences:

- First warning: minimum 30 days suspend
- Second warning: deleted account
In some cases we can get to block IPs, too.

Falsifying evidences:

-deleted account
In some cases we can get to block IPs, too.

Inventing new rules and using them to intimidate players: minimum 10 days suspend

Making KS to one or more players on a spot

- First warning: minimum 5 days suspend
- Second warning: minimum 10 days suspend
- Third warning: minimum 20 days suspend
In some cases we can get to block IPs, too.

For this, you need a print screen showing the spot was yours and a print showing the player making KS. All this is valid in case the KS is larger than 1 minute.

Golden KS or PK for the BOK:

- First warning: minimum 5 days suspend
- Second warning: minimum 10 days suspend
- Third warning: minimum 20 days suspend

The first who found the Golden has the right to kill it. This right is lost in case the character dies while fighting the Golden. It is not allowed to kill the character who found the Golden and you should not help him killing the monster. A player (party) cannot kill two Goldens simultaneously.


- First warning: minimum 50 days suspend
- Second warning: blocked account

The suspend applies to the best character.


The players using hack apps like duping pchages, 1-hit kill, 5x hit, etc will have their account deleted + blocked IP. We don't accept exploiting the game's bugs (with or without helping apps). For SHADOW BUG and DUPE BUG we'll block the IP the user connected from. You should not log in with other accounts, except yours. Any account having in the vault/invntory duped or items from exploiting the game's bugs will be blocked.

Advertising for other servers will be sanctioned with: deleted account + blocked IP.

PK (Player Kill)
Warning: It is prohibited killing players on Arena spots and Sky Event

- First warning: minimum 5 days suspend
- Second warning: minimum 10 days suspend
- Third warning: minimum 20 days suspend
- Fourth warning: deleted account

Does not apply when the victin is murderer. The PK will be considered provoked in case the one killing has been insulted or the spot was yours ( you need to proove this with prints: alone on the spot or the chat when insulted). In one print you need to capture "Self defence is initiated by [NAME]'s attack!".


A player owns a spot as long as he's at the PC. The player looses the spot when other player asks him 2 times (first time and second time, after minimum 5 minutes) if he's AFK. The player asking shoud formulate the 2 questions this way: "[NAME] are you AFK?". You need to do the second print with the main windows maximized (3 timed F4) to show that the other player didn't answer. It is not necessary that the player owning the spot to be killing monsters.

NOTE: The administrators/GMs have the right to disconnect AFK players.
Don't forget to make print alone on the spot just in case. As this moment i will warn players who do not post a print alone on the spot. You should not give party unless you want to. Killing a player that asks you party will not be sanctioned.

Thx. chronix 4 translation!

Mesaje : 158
Data de inscriere : 04/05/2010
Varsta : 40
Localizare : Everywhere

Sus In jos


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